A list of open datasets as well as tools and their source code repositories published on GitHub.
Open epilepsy datasets
ENIGMA-EpilepsyENIGMA-Epilepsy is dedicated to improving our understanding of in vivo neuroanatomical disruptions in people with epilepsy compared to healthy individuals | ENIGMA ToolboxA repository for accessing 100+ ENIGMA statistical maps, visualizing cortical and subcortical surface data |
Preprocessing tools
Deep Mask | iEEG-recon |
micapipeA semi-flexible and robust framework to process MRI images and generate ready to use modality based connectomes |
Postprocessing tools
Deep FCDMulticenter validated and automated detection of focal cortical dysplasia using deep learning | Automated TLE LateralizationAn MRI-based machine learning prediction framework to lateralize hippocampal sclerosis in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy |
z-brains | MELD Classifier |
BrainStat |